Halloween Home Security Tips

Halloween is a fun time where your children dress up in costume and run around the neighborhood for candy and treats from neighbors. But it could also be a risky time, pertaining to home security. It’s a fact that many burglars take advantage of holidays, and Halloween is no exception. It’s imperative that your home remains protected by a home security system during this time.

Forgetting about home security on Halloween is easy to do. Many residents and homeowners become relaxed during this fun time, and that is a huge mistake. Here are some tips that could help you maintain a secured home, especially on Halloween.

  • Keep your doors and windows locked during ‘trick or treat’ hours. If you’re not sitting outside while passing out candy, lock your door every time a child comes and goes. It only takes a burglar one moment to enter your home through an unlocked door, so always keep the doors and windows locked.
  • Make sure that all of your sensor lights are working properly. Doing so can help you keep the ‘trick or treaters’ safe, and you can protect your home at the same time. Sensor lights can also deter potential vandals or burglars from targeting your home.
  • Set a time to end ‘trick or treat’ hours at your home, and stick to it. Many counties have their own set hours for ‘trick or treat,’ but that doesn’t mean everyone will follow them. While some ‘trick or treaters’ could come to your home after those hours, you should always be suspicious. It could be a group of individuals targeting your home for theft; therefore, it is best to set a time to end ‘trick or treat’ at your home.

To get the home security system that could keep your property safe from burglars and vandals, contact us online, or call 203-785-3000.

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